Tuesday, 16 June 2015


The beauty of life is that you get to experience it uniquely each day. The more simple, the more beautiful. I am truly loving the feeling of a much deeper commitment to myself and I am allowing space for each moment to melt into beautiful outcomes. There's no rush. There's just ease.  "LET THERE BE LIGHT" is my new mantra whenever I feel stuck in any situation whether I am sitting at home or in a dentist's clinic.  Everything feels just perfect.

I am sharing some simple, but incredible messages that came my way today. I love the reminders.
"Without commitment there are no stable situations."  ~ Sadhguru ~

The Power of Faith
—Ernest Holmes

I have a deep and abiding conviction that there is one divine and perfect presence in the universe; that the spirit of Truth is everywhere; that God is right where I am. There is neither doubt, confusion, nor fear, for I know I am rooted in the one and only perfect and divine presence.

I also realize that the divine Law of Life operates upon my word to bring about definite results in my affairs and the affairs of those for whom I am thinking. I have a complete confidence in this Law of Good, an unshakable trust in it, and complete reliance upon it. I know, as Jesus said, that ‘all things are possible to God;” that there is no limitation to the Law of Good. Therefore, in quiet confidence, in calmness and peace and in perfect trust, I speak my word.

I am conscious that I am surrounded by Divine Love and Infinite Wisdom and that the life of God is my life now. I know that there is nothing in me which can hinder Divine Intelligence from governing my affairs, from daily guiding me into right action, therefore I affirm that at all times I know what to do and am impelled intelligently to act on every right impression that comes to me.

L xo

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Pause. Surrender. Listen. Gratitude.

Pause. Surrender. Listen. Gratitude.

These four mystical words have changed so many weird perspectives I have had about Life.  To Pause, Surrender and Listen, one has to develop a deep desire to experience true and lasting healing of body, mind and spirit. Not just the body. But all three - body, mind and spirit. This brings about Balance and Centering.

When I Pause in the midst of a chaotic moment, I immediately feel a shift and a sense of calm coming over me. As I Pause and take a deep Breath, I become curious about what's to be done next and this curiosity stops me in my track and asks me to Surrender and Listen to the throbbing beat of my heart and feel the pulse of my Life.  What is Life trying to say to me now, in this moment?  To get my answer, I have to and must Listen.  

To live with Spirit means to engage in all three to receive true inner guidance.  To live with the ego means to look for ways and means that are present outside of you to control your life situations. The latter is headed for sure failure.  But you will never know this unless you experience both sides of the coin.  No matter how many books, lessons, workshops and trainings are available 'out there' you will never find your true guidance completely from any one place in the world.  Don't get me wrong.  You need all this work of exploration to take you forward one step at a time.  And though you will not find all your answers in one place, you will certainly be guided seamlessly into your next step through all this effort. You will find bits and pieces that will help to fill the jigsaw puzzles in your life. But they are not the end of the road. They all serve as an important aspect of your Path and are milestones that begin to show you a clearer landscape, but the real treasure is lying within waiting to be reclaimed through the power of your own Spirit.  Deep within you will experience the explosion of Love, Peace and Understanding. It may be for just a fraction of a second, but it will impact you deeply. And that is what will accompany you for the rest of your Life Journey, if you keep going back to that space of miracles and mystery in your own Sacred Heart and relive that precious moment again and again as the little pause moments become bigger and bigger pauses. 

There is nothing more Empowering and more Powerful than having the Sword of Real Truth in your hand. It helps cut away all that is unnecessary and untrue.

Breathe, you are ALIVE.
Pause so that you can take in this knowledge: "I Am Alive"
Surrender all that feels dead to The Holy Spirit and She will begin to work wonders within you.
Listen deeply as She begins to whisper Her guidance to you and does a clearing and cleansing within you. Remember your True Self is already pure and holy. She is removing all that you have brought into your consciousness with your unholy thoughts and created pain and sorrow for yourself.
This is not a hurried and quick snack.
This is a big, sumptuous meal for your Soul.
Begin to feel a true and deep sense of Gratitude immediately because your Life is already looking different.
So, Pause, Surrender, Listen and say Thank You.

To me the Holy Spirit represents the Mother Aspect of God. She IS what is present here and now everywhere and in everything. May you find your Beloved and be at Peace.

L xo