Life is so full of mystery and beauty. I am seeing more and more of it now even in the most senseless situations. To be CONSCIOUSLY PRESENT is all it takes for Awareness to dawn like a rising sun. No matter what the circumstances, no matter what the situation, no matter how bad or how good anything is, or was, or supposedly ever will be, none of it really matters when one's whole awareness is brought right down to this very moment. Past and future cease to exist. When the past and future cease to exist, the stories attached to them also cease to exist! Everything else disappears. The only thing that appears in front of one, is what is happening right now ... dealing with what is happening right now is the wisest thing to do. It cuts out all the red tape!
This morning I watched this wonderful movie and it inspired me so much, I felt the need to share it. Life is truly beautiful and mystical. Just trust it.