Tuesday, 24 November 2015

This Is Who I Am

Well, I have started out writing this blog with an amazing photo quote from Bentinho Massaro that took my breath away!

Today, there was a blog posted on facebook which, once again, left me feeling so inspired by this young awakened Soul. He is talking to the mother of a young son who is a drug addict and his answer to her queries are simple, yet deeply profound. Definitely not the kind of answer the world would approve of.

"That the choices that he makes might actually be perfect for his journey. And that by taking away his catalyst, his pain, his suffering, his challenge, his struggle, his addiction, by taking that away for him against his free will, a few things will happen: You will postpone his eventual epiphany. You will make him use again, because he might stop at some point, but if it’s not out of total free will, it’s not permanent. Your giving off the vibe that something is wrong, not that everything is perfect. You will emphasize that, and therefore you will continue to exacerbate his struggle, even though you don’t want to. And by exacerbating this struggle, he’ll probably feel more addicted or grab for the things that he knows makes him feel different or good, in this case potentially heroin."  ~ Bentinho Massaro ~ / Source: http://www.choosehappythoughts.com/help-someone-struggling-with-addiction/
The reason this quote resonated with me so deeply is because this has become my level of thinking and it has given me a sense of peace and taken away the guilt that I was experiencing for such a long time. I stopped listening to the judgments, the comments, the labels, the blame, etc. etc. I started becoming immune. It was my way of forgiving myself and letting me nourish myself with my own Love. Isn't it all too often that we do not know what to do as "grown-ups"? 

Though I have been treading the spiritual path for so long, there are some deep rooted issues that still need healing and change. I spent my entire adult life trying to fix them in my mind and heart in the way I believed, which is through dialogue, but little has changed until I finally came to the realization that the deep karmic issues that take our whole life clearing are there for a very definite purpose - not as punishment, but as purification and that, we personally, do not have all the answers, most of which are unseen. It is not my job to take away all the pain another person is experiencing, just as it is not anyone else's job to take away mine. Infact, that pain, that wretchedness, the hole that seems like an endless pit, is there not to be filled up with worldly answers and things, but for God to enter and take over that space, identity and falseness completely. One can only be there to hold the person with one's own heart and spirit and allow the person to see in reality what the purpose of life is. Each Soul has to find his/her own salvation. Contrary to some beliefs, there is no savior. We have to find our own salvation and our own way back to The Source. This realization enables you to make massive changes from within. If you are not progressing in your thought system about who you are, you are stagnating. And when you are in stagnation, you are stuck and cannot move further internally or find appropriate answers to deal with self issues in the appropriate way.

When I discovered Bentinho Massaro on Facebook, I literally felt myself awake fully while reading his posts. Infact it opened some part of my mind that began to feel a great desire to write little heart poems, which I did in my journal, and I found myself in that mood the entire day writing most of the time. Maybe it was because I was ready and open to move away completely from my seeming weaknesses and focus on my strengths - a shift, so to speak. Whatever the reason, I felt I was experiencing a genuine openness I had never experienced before. The wonderful thing about my most cherished spiritual teachers is that each comes with a gem of his/her own that is so unique that one cannot be compared to another. Bentinho is just one more added to my small list of profound teachers.

There will be all kinds of people crossing our path everyday, if not in real life, then on social media. Learning to deal with them and their emotional baggages is an art that comes with time.  I have found a way to deal with them. I ask them to do a self inquiry and find the answers from their own Sacred Heart. Some people find it a very "spiritual" approach and don't want to go there, but what can I say? Are we not all Spiritual Beings having an earthly experience?

All answers come from the heart. The heart knows what it knows and it will always, always lead you to your highest good. And it eventually will tell you : "THIS IS WHO I AM".

Peace. Namaste.