Sunday, 19 April 2015

Let God Be In Charge!

"This life is not ours. This life is God's. We belong to God, and God is responsible for our life and for our fulfillment. Whatever of good takes place in our life is God in action; whatever of evil takes place is only in proportion as the word ‘I’ is injected - I, John; I, Mary; I, Henry. Let there be no praise for us, no condemnation, and no weight of responsibility. When responsibility comes, let us be sure that we do not permit this human sense of ‘I’ to come forth and say: ‘How can I accomplish this? How am I going to perform that? My strength is not sufficient; my bank account is not adequate.’ Jesus did not permit the word ‘I’ to intrude when he was called upon to feed the five thousand. He acknowledged that he could do nothing of himself.”  

~ Joel Goldsmith ~
The above message is so inspiring and perfect because it puts everything into the right perspective. It reminds me once again of the endless ways I try to do things that include striving and effort. There is such a thin line between 'effort' and 'effortless' that one can very easily loose sight if one is not watchful of the small 'i' coming into operation. Be vigilent. Be conscious. Be aware. And let God be in charge. You can't win with Reality anyway!

How may I be of service? 

With Love & Oneness
L xo 

Saturday, 18 April 2015

This Moment

Every moment there is change - constant change. There is never going to be some ideal kind of moment where you are going to be able to do what you want to do. Anything you want to do is always in this moment. We give too much thought to everything. We argue. We resist. Most times we don't like being in this moment or live through whatever is happening right now. When we have nothing to do, we get bored and believe there is something one must do or otherwise one is wasting time. This is furtherest from the truth. Whatever is happening now, is what is meant to be. Life is trying to teach you something of great value. If it is creating restlessness, nothing like a shot of Self Inquiry. Question your motives and feelings. No matter what the situation or urgency or crisis, make a decision that you are going to balance your mind out first before plunging into the dramas of the material world and become caught up in the "Leela of Life".

In this Moment with Love & Oneness,
L xo 

Friday, 17 April 2015

Not "feeling" Love is also Love.

This morning I woke up with a deep sense of calm and peace and with the feeling and sense that I had no desire to 'do' anything - and it was definitely not because I was not in the mood or feeling unwell, or any such thing, but simply because of a deep desire to pull back from the usual routine of early morning activities and just observe every feeling and emotion and desire that was passing through me as soon as I became a bit more conscious of the world I was waking up to - the material world. I did not feel any compulsion to get down to doing the usual morning activities. I just relaxed! Relax? Really? At 5.30 a.m. after a deep sleep? Wow! this was definitely a first. I was beginning to experience the result of thinking the highest thoughts about myself. The usual and 'normal' rules do not apply when you elevate your thoughts. By just BEING in this experience, it seemed like I was paying attention to my Life as deepest I knew how in this moment. When you spend time with yourself this way, you begin to feel so much self love - a very spiritual kind of love. Even if you are not aware of it as love, it IS love.
It felt really, really good to feel this way. I felt free and unencumbered with no obligation to do any one particular thing but instead to embrace everything exactly as it is. This must be what Real Love is.  No separation in any way. Love for Love's sake. I think the moment we begin to give Love a definition, we loose the sense of Love. We separate ourselves from the Whole to act in accordance with our individual notions. We feel we have got to do certain things to express love for another. Well, I have been there and done that. It does'nt work. You just have to keep repeating yourself in order to feel the limited experience of Love. And that is truly a pity - a sin really. To not know we are Love's Presence is to do a great injustice to ourselves.

The human love is all about holding love for someone and withholding love from another. It is always conditional and filled with expectations.  There have been so many times in my life when I have said "Love You" to someone and they have not acknowledged it or felt enough mutual love to spontaneously reciprocate. Since in that moment I am experiencing and expressing a deeper sense of Self Love it matters not to me whether a person reciprocates or not. There are certain people in my life who still do that - its like they're saying "hmm ... I like you because I have little choice, but don't push it to expecting love!!". I definitely can live with that now and it feels even more liberating because it was something that was not possible for me in the past.

Love just IS. There's nothing to do or experience from effort. Love just IS. If you're not feeling the magnificence of Love, its okay because not feeling Love is also Love because the moment you do a self inquiry, you begin to realize Love has numerous ways to make Itself Present. Love IS Spirit. And there is only ONE Power and ONE Presence. There is not two. If you're not feeling Love, get on the wisdom medicine raft of self inquiry and stay there till you feel differently. Till you feel one with God. Its worth the effort!

How may I be of service?

With Love & Oneness,
L xo 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Just Drop It!

To begin the journey of dropping the false self and allowing the True Self to emerge, one needs to just drop it! And to drop it, one needs Courage - a lot of Courage!!

How does one begin to manifest Courage?
You don't have to learn it, buy it, look for it or any such thing ....
All you need is to take a leap of Faith and Courage will begin to show up!

Courage is already within.
Breathe and call upon it.

How may I be of service?

With Love & Oneness,
 L xo

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

You Get What You Need

Life takes care of me on its own terms. It most often never gives me what I want - it almost always gives me what I need. This is very reassuring and over time has enabled me to develop deep trust in a Source that definitely knows more about me than I can possibly ever know about myself. I am constantly busy trying to figure out how to stay in the moment - constantly! 

We feel burdened and stressed out when we get occupied with trying to figure out too much of what's happening in the outside world. Its far more productive to be preoccupied with the inner world because eventually in the not-too-distant-future, you will understand your control over your circumstances is very limited especially when you realise what quality of thoughts you put out there in the world in the first place which has brought about the appearance of the world you see. God takes on the work of damage control but not in the way you desire, but in the way you need to purify your life. When you begin to develop the inner hearing, you will hear what you truly need to hear and renew your perspectives about All That Is.

With Love & Oneness,
L xo 

Monday, 13 April 2015

Think High Thoughts

Think highly of yourself and only the highest will begin to enter your world.  Your thoughts begin to get purified and you begin to want to actually just stay with right and pure thinking because anything less is no more an option for you.

Think high thoughts and your world becomes heaven!

With Love & Oneness,

L xo 

Saturday, 11 April 2015

The Absolute Truth!

"More prayer, more power. 
Less prayer, less power; 
No prayer, no power." 
~ Mother Theresa ~

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Happy Easter!

Be Conscious.
Be Aware.
Keep it Simple.
Follow the Whisperings of Your Heart.

Of everything I have learned in life so far, the above are what works wonders for my heart and miracles in my life.

Happy Easter!

In Love & Oneness,