Every moment there is change - constant change. There is never going to be some ideal kind of moment where you are going to be able to do what you want to do. Anything you want to do is always in this moment. We give too much thought to everything. We argue. We resist. Most times we don't like being in this moment or live through whatever is happening right now. When we have nothing to do, we get bored and believe there is something one must do or otherwise one is wasting time. This is furtherest from the truth. Whatever is happening now, is what is meant to be. Life is trying to teach you something of great value. If it is creating restlessness, nothing like a shot of Self Inquiry. Question your motives and feelings. No matter what the situation or urgency or crisis, make a decision that you are going to balance your mind out first before plunging into the dramas of the material world and become caught up in the "Leela of Life".
In this Moment with Love & Oneness,
L xo
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