Saturday, 5 September 2015

"You Get What You Are, Not What You Want!"

"You get what you are, not what you want" 
~ Wayne Dwyer ~

This statement has such a powerful resonance with me especially at this time in my life. I have been experiencing an inner spaciousness, more calmness and deeper understanding of what lies behind the frantic nature that I have been experiencing all my life. The rejections have been far too many and something has just 'clicked' into place changing my focus from deep inner pain to more clarity and wisdom.  I thought I was over all of them, but triggers continue to happen. I see now that it is all part and parcel of expansion. Nothing to fear or worry about. Everything is beginning to synchronize perfectly. The person that I thought I was is soon fading away. The range of my expectations and attachments are becoming lower and lower from the world. What I know for sure now is, that the world is what it is, and it will always be what it is. It is never going to change according to my expectations and desires. I can either hold on to my attachments and judgments or I can drop them. Ofcourse, dropping them is the most obvious choice. It is non-negotiable. I have been trying to do this for a long time, but had not been very successful. But suddenly, the winds seem to have changed direction and it appears much more easier than I imagined.  I think its probably because now I am truly tired of being in this zone intermittently. I have stepped out of it and don't plan to go back to it. It is too stormy and chaotic. As it turns out, I am not that adventurous!!

My thoughts have shifted from goals and desires to complete acceptance and surrender. I have surrendered all of them to God and released them for purification and transformation. It is very humbling to come to the realization that I truly do not know entirely what I need for my soul growth. It is too much effort trying to figure that out. Effort causes so much fatigue. And fatigue is not conducive to living joyfully. Handing over my life to the Holy Spirit is by far the best possible gift I can give myself. It is the highest form of Love for me now because I know it is a Love that will expand by the very nature of my giving it to God. The world can give me nothing, but I can give it everything through my own transformation. I don't have to focus on what was and what is to come. I have only to focus on what is in front of me right this moment, right now. And indeed it is reassuring to know that what is in front of me right now is all in Divine Order. I just need to stay in Divine Alignment with Source.

One of my favorite spiritual tools to help me on my path is using the I Ching Oracle Readings. I simply love the practical and profound guidance it offers. The wisdom of The Sage is truly incredible and compelling.  Dr David Murphy's interpretation of "The Secrets of The I Ching" alongwith Brian Brown Walker's "The I Ching or Book of Changes" work superbly for me. 

An excerpt from this morning's reading  (hexagram 32: Duration) from Dr. Joesph Murphy's "The Secrets of The I Ching" fills my heart with so much gratitude that I felt a desire to share it :
"As you continue steadfastly in right thought, right feeling and right action, you will experience riches of the mind, such as harmony, health, and peace, and also the abundance of the material riches you need. Whatever you plan to achieve and whatever destination you plan to reach will be successful." .......  "You remain unmoved, because you are governed by an immutable law - the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are governed by an Infinite Guiding Principle, and Divine law and order govern you and lead you to your goal."
It all fits in so beautifully with Wayne Dyer's wisdom. His soul is resting in joy now.  I have great respect for his teachings and life experiences.

 Dr Wayne Dyer with Oprah Winfrey on The Art of Manifestation

L xo

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