Saturday, 28 February 2015

Surrender - the BIGGEST part of my life.

Surrender has become the biggest part of my life. Ever. When one surrenders unconditionally and without holding back anything, life truly begins to become effortless. While the ego is always strategizing, complete surrender to God closes all the deals on effort and hard work to accomplish anything worthwhile in one's life. If surrender was easy, it would not be such a big deal. Through surrender, I am beginning to cultivate Divine Patience, because that is what you will need on this path. Honest-to-God patience for stuff to work out in the best possible way - the way that is best for me and in unity with the Will of God.

Surrender is not meant for just a few aspects of one's life. If put into action for the minutest detail in one's life, it will turn out to be the single most powerful tool to always hold on to for being in the constant Presence of God. Its not a one-time or two-time thing. It is ongoing till the day you give up this body in this lifetime. Once you develop the practice of releasing your entire life to The Power That Permeates Everything, you will find that It has become your most deepest, most trusted and most sacred Ally. There is safety, protection, security, fearlessness and the deepest love no one can imagine in this world because we cannot feel it in the world - we can only experience it deep down in our hearts. Well, who does'nt want that?

Recently, while I was having an inner meltdown, I surrendered the whole experience to Spirit. I was feeling restless, stressed out and unfocused. I was wishing I was not feeling this way when suddenly, my pet dog, Sparkie, just got up from his bed and sat close to me, his skin and fur rubbing agaisnt my legs as if soothing me. In that instant I was reminded that God already is on the job of restoring my mind back to deep peace, I just needed to open up to the Beauty and Gift of His Love. It was okay to feel disrupted so long as I keep stepping up constantly. Emotions are guideposts. They always direct us back to our Hearts. No two ways about it.

How may I be of service?

~ Lavina Olive ~

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