Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Choosing True Freedom

When you wake up each morning and DECIDE you're not going to make the same unhappy choices as you made yesterday, a new energy fills you up and you suddenly find yourself looking at a new 'path' to explore. The possibilities of all things good shine like little sun soaked pebbles and stones down your garden path as you look at life ahead of you. You're looking at your paradise, your very own garden of love. And you begin to decide what fruits and flowers you're going to plant.  Its a good way to start the day.

Many years ago, I decided to stop living a karma based life. Its not been easy at all. The road has been difficult, but I am completely embracing the idea that this is a lifelong learning and, each lesson will come up as I get better and better prepared to learn them without any resistance. I try to let my choices reflect soul based choices as much as possible and, where I have been slow in learning, I have stopped punishing myself and beating myself up. Instead, I am plucking up courage to make fresh new starts each day. And they are definitely working. Infact there are many things that I have stopped doing and there are many more things that I am in the process of stopping, and I guess the process will be a life long one, and that is perfectly fine with me. I am in no hurry. I Am seeing myself more and more in a timeless zone.  I have got into the groove of discovering new things to do and explore.  

For example, I have stopped calling my 'spiritual journey' 'spiritual' and 'journey'. I just call it 'My Path' now. I have discovered that everything is truly spiritual and that there is no journey as such. It is just a moment in time I stop to do a little house-clearning. I am actually beginning to feel the idea that God IS in a much deeper and more profound way as I begin to peel the layers. I'm not saying its a pretty sight, but when you're removing layers of old stuff, its not a one minute or one day job though the decision to do so is. Each layer takes its time and process and must be treated like a sacred ritual which would include Acceptance, Releasing, Surrender and a New Choice. So, no matter what choice you make, its going to lead you onto the next 'good' choice.  And soon you will discover there is no 'good' or 'bad' choice - just the directions you want to take. And that direction is completely upto you. There are no rules and guidelines. There is just Freedom. Freedom to choose Real Freedom. And then, there is your Inner World - the world you scarcely think about, but in truth, holds and contains ALL of YOU. All of You that starts with "I AM" and ends with "I AM". You Are. Period. God IS. Period. Like Joel Goldsmith said "There is no God and I. There is just God". Likewise, there is no I Am so-and-so. I AM. That is sufficient. Everything after the I AM will just flow like an ever flowing stream or float by like a passing cloud. The only constant is the background or the sky of I AM. And that is the miracle I Am looking for everyday. One can look for the precious gems in any facet of one's life. For me the biggest challenge always appears to be "relationships". So, the following quote from Jennifer Hoffman resonates with my heart.
"We have an opportunity to step away from the karma and set new standards of connection for ourselves. If we want to have relationships that are joyful, loving, respectful, kind, and fulfilling, we need to be connected with people who can embody those energies and not expect that because we have expectations of those behaviors from certain people based on a label that is attached to a connection.
It only takes one person’s willingness to move out of karma to end it and to create a new path for that relationship. If the other people involve agree, then a new paradigm is created and we can have ‘happily ever after’ with them. If not, then we get closure and release, and can set our sights on attracting people who can connect with us at the level we want.  Wherever you identify a gap in your life (from last week’s message which you can read here), there is an opportunity for review, to set a new energy standard for that connection so it can be released or renewed at a new level."

How may I be of service?

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