Thursday, 22 January 2015

What is TRUTH?

Truth has many explanations and definitions in this world.  The one that resonates with my Being is the one that says that Truth is Eternal and Changeless.  Also, I love the way Truth has been explained by Jane Woodward below, excerpted from "Regarding The World Of Appearances".  It makes perfect and truthful sense to me.
"When you were a child you most likely believed in Santa Claus. Some children believe so much in Santa that  they even “see” Santa in their house on Christmas Eve or believe they have heard him speak in their ear or some other imaginable happening. Some believe so much that they cry when they are placed on Santa’s lap. The whole “image” is almost too much for them. Some believe so much in Santa, that with the help of “others” who help them to continue in the fabrication, they absolutely expect the elderly, robust gent to come down the chimney year after year. Santa is “real” to them, very real. They will fight to defend this imaginary man and are quite shocked and disappointed to find that this person that they believed in so much was just a fantasy. I have seen children cry and be very hurt by the news that it was all “make-believe.” Other children, if they are more mature may take it in stride, but either way, to whatever extent they have believed, and regardless how elaborate their imagination has become on the subject, once the illusion is dispelled for them, they can never get it back again. Once they see through the fantasy it is over. Though they may want to get that “belief” back,  once it is revealed for what it is, it can never be believed in that way again.
Once the veil is lifted from your eyes and you see Truth and understand “this world” for the fantasy it is, you will never again be able to see it the way you did before. The veil is removed in Christ (which is Light - or understanding).  
Certainly storms, or diseases or other distresses appear real – as real to you as Santa to a child. Do not underestimate the belief a child has regarding the fictitious world of make-believe. This is why Jesus very plainly told us to “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” (John 7:24) What is “righteous judgment?” It is to see according to Truth, and the “pictures” thrown on the screen called “this world” are not Truth. They may seem “true” to you, but they are not Truth. TRUTH is whatever does NOT have a beginning or end. Anything that has a beginning has to have an end, and anything that has a beginning and an end - is NOT Truth, therefore it is not God, and – therefore, it is not Reality. TRUTH is eternal. What is the “appearance world,” also called, “the temporal world,” is NOT eternal, therefore, is not Reality."
How may I be of service?

~ Lavina Olive ~

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