Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Every day begin your day like you know nothing!! And see what happens!!

When you begin to truly understand, realise and know God IS All - the One Power and One Presence, you pretty much do not have to do anything.  Literally.  Nothing.  

You begin to see the futility of all the stuff that you placed so much of importance on.  You see the time wasted on all that is NOT.  When this realisation dawns on you like the morning rising sun, you pretty much can heave a huge cosmic sigh of relief.  

You begin to drop all your stories one by one.  You begin to release all the meanings you attached to literally everything in your world.  You begin to see how much pain and suffering you have caused yourself simply by  attaching yourself to the illusions of good and bad.  You begin to see really there is absolutely nothing to deciding something is good or bad.  These labels go nowhere and do nothing because they are nothing.  

Remember those times you really felt good when you were complimented or when someone had a good word for you and high praise for your achievements, etc. etc.  You felt so wanted and worthy and all that! Well, that is an illusion too.  And untrue as well are those thoughts and beliefs you held about yourself in a negative way.  

Once you go off the beaten track of world beliefs, and take a new road in your life, you start to ascend into yourself and begin a new way of thinking and living.

Try it.  Its mind blowing! Literally!

Begin afresh everyday.  Every single day.  Begin your day with the idea that you are just born into this world. This very moment.  All Perfect.  All Beautiful.  All Bountiful.  All Love.  That is all you know.  Those are the only clues you hold in your Sacred Heart. You will be surprised at the amount of time you will have available in your hands to follow your heart because you will have really nothing to do.  There will be no need to make any effort to achieve anything.

That will sure take the load of being who you think you are and begin to unravel who YOU actually are.

How may I be of service?

~ Lavina ~

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