Thursday, 1 January 2015

Notes to Myself ...

Live in Truth.
Feel no compulsion to be perfect.
Just take each day as it comes.
Some days will be dry and some will be fertile.
Both change anyway!
Just keep sowing seeds of joy.
Look after your health, wealth and happiness.
Take deep breaths often in the day.
Breathe in slow.  Breathe out slow.
Loose the anger. It has no value.
Make lots of friends but hold no expectations.
Give freely and don't wait for the return gift.
Don't try pleasing everyone. You won't get it right.
Be at ease.
Everything is not due to karma. Most of the errors in life are due
to foolish thinking.
You are the artist of your own life.
Create a masterpiece.
Ask only one question: How can I be of service?
But be practical about it and do only what you can do,
not what others want you to do.
The rest will all just fall into place.
Know your boundaries - know where you end and where others begin.

Having said all the above, here's the most simple way.
Stay constantly focussed on God and all the above and more, will
happen by itself.

How may I be of service?

~ Lavina  Olive ~

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