Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Dealing With Fear

Creating a good life to prop up and support the small self is like building your home with sand. It will fall apart in one huff! But creating a life that emerges from the Self (capital 'S') - ah! well, that is a different story altogether! To create from the Self is to have Self Confidence and to be Fearless. You cannot really create anything worthwhile until you break the complete cycle of fear. And you cannot break the cycle of fear until you face your fears. This world is filled with fear in every way possible. How does one break through the cycle? Each one must find his/her own way. Until then, you will need to find a Wisdom Medicine Teaching to help facilitate the journey to address your personal needs.

The spiritualist says there is no need to fear because there is only God. And yet the spiritualist reaches out for a prayer of protection to keep him/herself 'protected'! See the irony? What is the spiritualist protecting him/herself from if there is only God? You get what I mean? It's time to put your money where your mouth is. Prove this 'idea' and 'belief' to yourself. Yes, that is what your idea of God is until you have proved to yourself that you are fearless. You have not to just become fearless but be Fearless. Overcoming fear is the journey of the Spiritual Warrior. Until then, everything you 'know', understand, believe and accept are just concepts.

Fear needs to be explored, bit by bit. Starting with one's own state of mind this very moment: where are you at, on the vibration scale of peace, starting from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest? An honest self evaluation is the best way to start a journey down this path. The Way to Spirit is travelling the path of fear and overcoming it because it is fear that is the only obstacle to becoming united with the Mystical 'I' that is within the very fabric and essence of Life and hence, YOU. I have many different kinds of medicines prescribed for the various ailments from fear and Jiddu Krishnamurthi is one of them.

Wisdom Medicine Teaching from Jiddu Krishnamurthi:
<< One is afraid of public opinion, afraid of not achieving, not fulfilling, afraid of not having the opportunity and through it all there is this extraordinary sense of guilt - one has done a thing that one should not have done; the sense of guilt in the very act of doing: one is healthy and others are poor and unhealthy, one has food and others have no food. The more the mind is inquiring, penetrating, asking the greater the sense of guilt, anxiety ... Fear is the urge that seeks a master, a guru; fear is this coating of respectability, which everyone loves so dearly - to be respectable. Do you determine to be courageous to face events in life, or merely rationalize fear away, or find explanations that will give satisfaction to the mind that is caught in fear? How do you deal with it? Turn on the radio, read a book, go to a temple, cling to some form of dogma, belief?
Fear is the destructive energy in man. It withers the mind, it distorts thought, it leads to all kinds of extraordinarily clever and subtle theories, absurd superstitions, dogmas, and beliefs. If you see that is fear is destructive, then how do you proceed to wipe the mind clean? You say that by probing into the cause of fear you would be free of fear. Is that so? Trying to uncover the cause and knowing the cause of fear does not eliminate fear.>>
~ Jiddu Krishnamurthi - "The Book of Life" ~
In Love & Oneness,

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