Friday, 20 March 2015

The Gift

To live in the moment is not as easy as the New Agers proclaim it to be. If it were that easy, I am quite sure this world would be a completely different place. Its a skill that has to be developed with vast amounts of patience and love. It is a Practice.

To live in the present moment is to be so completely present that you actually begin to take on the role of a deep listener. You begin to listen very deeply to what is being presented to you in this very moment. And in that listening, you begin to See Reality for what It IS presenting Itself right now, right this moment. This is an extremely difficult exercise for me. I try often. I try everyday. I try and I fail often and everyday. 

Last evening a very Sweet Soul called Poonam visited me. She's "Good People". She also had very limited time to hang out with me and we were both trying to catch up as quickly as possible with all that was happening presently in our lives. I exhausted myself talking so fast and trying to pack in everything. By the end of the evening I felt totally spent - happy 'spent' ofcourse! 

This morning as I journaled, I realized something very significant that created an instant shift. As I recalled the moments of that time spent with Poonam, I realized that at all times it is extremely iumportant to honor the present moment with deep listening even if it is with a long time and very familiar friend. Infact it is even more necessary because as people, we tend to take family and friends completely for granted and we do this very unconsciously. I will take it a step further and say we take them so much for granted that we fail to see the newness of the moment's connection. Most often we see only the aspects of them that we are familiar with. We don't 'see' anything new about them. We love that precious familiarity. They are as familiar as our favourite warm blanket which becomes so much a part of our memory. That's it - a memory! Our awareness is not completely conscious of any newness and freshness that might have arisen in them since we last communicated with them. Is it not possible that they might perhaps be growing a secret garden within them which has started flowering .... and we have not even noticed???!!! We take so much for granted that we stop "SEEING" the rainbow colours in their Light. Oh! how much we miss out on the grandeur and splendor of those moments with them when we don't awake each day as if it was the first day of our lives on the planet!!

"The Present Moment Is A Gift" is that famous saying I fell in love with years ago. Simply honoring that precious gift creates a vortex of beautiful energy within.

May I remember to cherish The Gift always.

With Love & Oneness,

Dedicated to a very Kind and Generous Soul called POONAM. Thank you for being "Good People" always.

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