Tuesday, 17 March 2015

My Life is My Message

"When you say you sit for meditation, the first thing to be done is understand that it is not this body identification that is sitting for meditation, but this knowledge ‘I am’, this consciousness, which is sitting in meditation and is meditating on itself. When this is finally understood, then it becomes easy. When this consciousness, this conscious presence, merges in itself, the state of ‘samadhi’ ensues. It is the conceptual feeling that I exist that disappears and merges into the beingness itself. So this conscious presence also gets merged into that knowledge, that beingness – that is ‘samadhi’." ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj ~
My Life is my message. And everyday Life unfolds itself in rather mystical and surprising ways. 2015 is opening up like a flower. Surrender and just BEING is making the flowering beautiful. To BE is to not struggle against events and happenings but to just allow and flow. I've discovered resistance is just a habit - a habit that makes no sense and has no meaning. I've stopped struggling and trying to change or influence people and situations to favour me. For me now everyone is 'Good People'.  There are 'People' and 'Good People'. There are no family and friends and special people. Everyone is "Good People". This completely removes attachments and expectations. This brings inner peace. It's a complete game changer for me. Meditation and contemplation help me gain new visions each day.

How may I be of service?

Love & Peace!

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